Beyond Expectations


Looking back, my journey during the second quarter has been full with unexpected events. In addition to learning numerous things that have aided in my success, I've also learnt to accept the mistakes I've made. This quarter, I was able to express myself by writing blog entries. I learned the fundamentals of tags and their appropriate usage in our ICT course. In addition, the abundance of assignments we were given taught me how to efficiently manage my time. 

Yet, one issue I've had this quarter is feeling unmotivated. One of the hardest things a student has to do is handle a lot of homework, impending deadlines, and high expectations. The never-ending grind can quickly deplete my motivation and cause burnout. I overcame this obstacle by looking for a glimmer of hope and by setting up a support network which included study groups and mentorship. Not only do experiences and insights from others open my eyes, but they also give me a boost in motivation.

Moving on, this quarter has been an exciting one, although things haven't always gone as planned. It involves catching deadlines and staying up late drinking coffee. I'll use what I've learned from this second quarter going forward to keep becoming better and try new things. Despite the fact that my journey during the second quarter did not proceed as planned, I am happy to share that I overcame its difficulties. 



  1. Congratulation for surpassing the 2nd Quarter. I also want to congratulate you for bravely conquering the bumpy roads that you have met for you to finish the 2nd Quarter:)


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